
Generally speaking

Coaching is a respectful interruption of our work to set up reflective dialogue through which we learn. Cf: adapted from “Supervision as transformation”– Robin Shohet

The coach establishes an alliance based on trust and respect with his coachees in order to encourage reflection, awareness and development actions allowing them to find their own solutions and achieve their goals in a sustainable way

What do I believe about coaching ?

Coaching is much more powerful than telling/consulting, because good coaching creates self-awareness and reflection which enable the person to experiment and discover own solutions with the best personal fit and relevance.

When really involved in the coaching journey, the coachee has access to unexplored and almost unexpected potential.

The success of Coaching relies on the ability of the coach to take accountability for own development, daring to explore new zones of discomfort and accept own vulnerability.

Développement de rôles, dirigeants, experts, manager

What’s it like to work with me ?

Above all, I define myself as a systemic coach in the sense that my approach and my questioning aim to help the person understand the dynamics of relationships in the system they belong to and to act accordingly. The coachee therefore takes an active part in his/her development and identifies own solutions using their own resources.

The people I accompany feel respected for who they are. My approach is open, without any judgment and above all focused on the needs of my partners. However, I lead the person tactfully but relentlessly to an area of discomfort that creates powerful awareness and experimentation.

You are a leader

Préoccupations - changement de responsabilités

A. Individual coaching

You are a manager and face professional challenges that require you to develop new competencies.

For example: New role, new business context, need to influence professional partners, stepping back from the operational to adopt a more strategic operation, … Or you are wondering about the next step in your career.

Together with the coach, you determine the objective of the coaching, the framework and the expected results.

During the coaching sessions, you share your situations and questions.

The coach helps you identify your strategies, competencies and motivations.

Through his questioning, he helps you identify the options available to you, he confronts you in your commitments and helps you identify your own solutions.

How’ does it work?

  • kick off: definition of coaching objectives during a tripartite with the hierarchy and possibly HR
  • Individual sessions with the coachee. The content is strictly confidential. Average frequency: every 3 to 4 weeks, duration of a session: 1h30
  • Assessment of coaching and tripartite closure
MJV - Coaching de groupe

B. Group Coaching

Group coaching is a coaching process similar to individual coaching, the target population of which is a group of people who share similar challenges or objectives.

For example: Being a female leader, the transition from expert to manager, …

The objective is to share concerns with the group, to enrich discussions with group members and to deepen awareness. This initiative fosters action and the empowerment that is essential for change.

The coach is an expert who guides the group through a learning process by offering them exercises, a structure in a safe context.

Participants in a group coaching initiative benefit from the effects of social learning.

Research shows that people develop more successfully when they can watch their peers in action.

Exchanging on initiatives undertaken by peers increases their own confidence in their ability to take action and succeed.

How does it work ?

  • groups of 6 to 8 people meet for a 3-hours session every 4 to 6 weeks. Based on our experience, a minimum of 5 to 6 sessions should be considered
  • Identification with the group of issues and themes on which the group wishes to share during the sessions
  • During thematic sessions, exchange between participants on the basis of real-life experiences between participants under the guidance of the coach. Sharing of learning and identification of actions to be carried out
Coaching d'équipe - Cohésion entre les membres de l'équipe

C. Team Coaching

Team coaching is for teams who share a common goal and responsibility.

They can be permanent teams such as a management team, a single department or a project team.

The objective is generally to reinforce cohesion between the members of the team, through a re-examination of the common and individual responsibilities, the modes of operation and the nature of the interactions within the team.

The coach guides the group through a development process by offering them exercises, a structure and a safe environment.

How does it work ?

The coach guides the team through reflection and decision-making on the following points:

  • Collective responsibilities, ambitions and deliverables expected for the team
  • How the team will organize itself to achieve the expected results
  • The nature and quality of the interactions between the members of the team
  • Commitment towards a set of improvement areas for the team and action plan

Each point of the action plan can be the subject of an à la carte intervention in a second step


“I have been working with Marie-Jeanne over the last 8 years on different projects.
We facilitated together several Group and Team coaching.
It is clear that Marie-Jeanne is passionate about coaching, about the development of people and their wellbeing.
Her long experience in consulting, HR matters and business is very complementary to this.
What I appreciate most is the combination of the individual humanistic and the systemic business approach, the balance between sharing experience and building together and the attention to her own continuous personal development.
This continuous personal growing and stretching allows Marie-Jeanne to bring fresh and creative elements in her approach aligned with her values.”

D.C. GlaxoSmithkline

“I’ve been working together with MJ over the last 15 years and consider her as a trusted advisor. I highly value her expertise as a personal coach for my Management Team members, and she has also been very much appreciated for improving team dynamics. Through her vast experience, exceptional empathy and integrity she easily builds trustworthy relations.”

Guido de Paepe, CEO Carglass Belgium

“What I liked a lot is that you managed quickly to have a trusty relationship, very human and personal, fed with rich insights, in addition to reference to papers, talks, models  …You listen and acted in a very understanding way, expressing your opinion/thoughts, without any prejudice.
Reflecting back on what I learned, it is actually so much more than the objectives we set at the start so I really appreciate your ability to pick up signs (verbal/non-verbal)and target the session accordingly, in a very flexible and agile way.
Rather than coaching sessions, I really feel that it has been a journey indeed.  I actually don’t know what you could have done better. This coaching improved my quality of life, this is far beyond what I expected”

LD, Senior Executive GSK